Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Goals for 2012 that I hope I accomplish but won't die if I don't

Okay, instead of writing about what I want to accomplish in 2012 on some napkin and then sticking it on the fridge where it'll get covered with pictures or other people's babies, bills and whatever sale is going on in the local super market, I'm going to blog about it.  And update my progress through out the year on where I am with my goals, how I did good or bad.  This is in turn should give me something to blog about other then how stupid people are around me, which was what I usually blogged or complained about with the last blog, who wants to read that?  Apparently no one. Not that anyone will want to read about my goals and processes, but at least this will be constructive and some what helpful to others.

So here goes, what I want to accomplish in 2012 in no particular order or importance.

1) Actually start and finish 4 books that don't have any pictures, not including the Bible cause I read that all the time and that doesn't count
2) This one is typical of all new years resolutions but I'd like to lose 30 pounds and walk around at 200 and keep them off. If achieved I'd like to fight in a kickboxing or MMA fight at 185.
3) Compete in my first MMA fight (if you don't know me, I've fought in a few kickboxing matches and boxing already)
4) Book 4 million in business loans/lines/mortgages for Associated Bank
5) Start a family, yes the wife and I are trying, well, we're not not trying if that makes sense
6) Purchase my first hand gun
7) hit a real mountain bike trial
8) run/compete in either a biathlon or a mini triathlon (I'm targeting the Muddy Buddy race in July)
9) pay off at least 3 credit cards (I maybe have about 3000 in debt disbursed over 4 cards, not all that bad)
10) perform live with my guitar somewhere

I'll post through out the year how things are going and if I'm changing anything, not setting any specific rules with this, just going after it.

Here goes, and good luck to anyone else that has goals, resolutions, things to work on etc for 2012.

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